Introduction To Corrections Powerpoint
Corrections chapter 1 ppt.1.What isCorrections?Chapter 1.History of Corrections Continuously rising crime rates through the70s-90s Tough on crime stance Continued to rise through 2008.American Corrections Today Currently more than 3,200 death row inmates 140,000 + life sentences Prisons and jails= 2.3 million inmates As of 2011, numbers of inmates have begun todecrease as well as those on probation.Figure1.1: Correctional Populations in the UnitedStates, 1980–2011© Cengage Learning.
Presentation on theme: 'Chapter Ten Incarceration'— Presentation transcript:Chapter Ten IncarcerationAmerican corrections ninth editionLearning Objectives Explain how today’s prisons are linked to the past. Discuss the goals of incarceration. Be familiar with the organization of incarceration. Discuss the factors that influence the classification of prisons. Explain who is in prison.Learning Objective 1 Learning objective 1: Explain how today’s prisons are linked to the past.Links to the Past Oldest prison in America still houses prisoners (New Jersey) Elements of major reform movements still found in prisons.
American Corrections 9th Edition Pdf
During 60’s and 70’s when rehabilitation dominated, big block prisons converted into correctional institutions. Number of African American and Hispanic inmates has greatly increased.Links to the Past More inmates:Come from urban areas Convicted of drug related and violent offenses Increased number of correctional officers joining public employee unions Focus of corrections has changed to crime control. Modern prison faces: Racial conflicts Legal issues Limited resources Growing populationLearning Objective 2 Learning objective 2: Discuss the goals of incarceration.Goals of IncarcerationThe custodial model: Emphasizes security, discipline, and order. The rehabilitation model: Emphasizes the provision of treatment programs designed to reform the offender.